Game created for Ludum Dare #47

This is an updated version!

Ludum dare

The theme of the Jam was "stuck in a loop". My approach was, to create a coding puzzle where you have to modify code lines in a while loop. A level is completed when the output string at the bottom matches the string of the while condition. Once a level is completed, the output will not further change. In the Level selection, completed levels are highlightet orange and it also shows the actual output of the levels. So once every level is completed, an ASCII Image is revealed.

There are a few diffrent functions:

  • PRINT: directly prints the text after the command into the output
  • LOOP: prints the given character the set amount of times into the output
  • REPEAT: Does the same thing as the line over it (also when the line above is commented)
  • REVERSE_REPEAT: same as REPEAT just in reverse order

Update v1.1

  • reworked the GUI
  • added drag and drop to the code elements

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